"Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" is an iconic Christmas time movie and Yukon Cornelius is an iconic character. This figure will remind all who see him of the wonderful time of yesteryear. The Large lighted piece has over 120 lights that make it stand out in any yard. Great statement piece and the Rudolph fans will love it. Yukon and his St. Bernard bring gifts on their sleigh thru the north pole. Collectors can be assured that the art is approved directly from the Rudolph licensor themselves.
FAN FAVORITE: A great gift for fans of the beloved 1964 animated Christmas special.
DURABILITY: Constructed of a durable steel frame covered in a soft and colorful , weather resistant fabric for a whimsical look.
LIGHTING: decor is pre-lit from inside by 120 clear lights and is perfect to use during the day or night for a great display